Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quality of the text rendering

Printed text – a crowded page can still be readable.
Handwriting – you can make it readable. Keep practicing.
Wand writing – readable not closer than the average spit-distance.

Pechatniy tekst – vlazit mnogo i legko chitaetsya.
Rukopisniy tekst – s praktikoy prihodit i udobochitaemost’.
Palkopisniy tekst – chitaetsya ne blizhe chem rasstoyanie plevka.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Human virtue is underutilized

EN: Despite thousands of years the human race is still weak in utilizing free gifts of nature: solar, wind and water energy. No wonder that human virtue is underutilized to.

RU: Vopreki tisyacheletnemu suschestvovaniuy chelovecheskaya rassa vse escho slaba v ispol’zovanii darov prirodi: solnechnoi, vertovoy i vodnoi energii. Neudivitel’no chto luchshie kachestva samogo cheloveka ispol’zuiutsya ne polnostju.
