Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Stork logistics

EN: Certain babies are delivered over the air by storks. Other babies are delivered with less expensive stork ground service. Babies that are found in the cabbage were purchased in smart-starter grow-it-yourself kits by gardeners. If you are the computer geek or one’s misfortunate spouse you can try to spoof you baby by telling that she was downloaded from the Internet and printed in color. Most likely, geek babies not going to believe you. They already know that they were incarnated after living couple of dozens of lives and placed in custom-made genetically engineered human bodies to live another live on this planet.

RU: Nekotorie deti dostavlyayutsya aistom po vozduhu. Drugie deti postavlyayutsya bole deshevoy nazemnoi pochtoi. Roditeli-sadovodi virashivayut svoih detey na gryadkah v kapuste. Odnako esli vi “komputernij geniy” ili neschastniy suprug onogo to mozhete poprobovat’ nadurit’ vashe chado chto ego skachali s Interneta i raspechatali na tsvetnom printere. Veroyatnee vsego takie detishki vam ne poveryat potomu kak oni znayut chto oni bili inkarnirovani posle desyatka-drugogo zhizney v geneticheski-sproektirovannoe po spetszakazu telo chtobi prozhit ocherednuyu zhizn’ na etoi planete.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007


Their way - airway.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

my native language is PHP

P.S. Sorry for my dreadful English, my native language is PHP.

Originally from http://forum.mysqlperformanceblog.com/s/m/982/#msg_num_1
